Depressive Stereotype

Today I want to talk about stereotypes and how they affect people. Obviously, with depression there comes a certain stereotype. The lying in bed, crying all day WOMAN (because for some reason its more a female disorder) that locks herself away and is a loner. A lot of this is true and happens to me. I want to sit in a room on my own all day and just let the world pass by but I know I can’t and so I struggle like crazy to be like the stereotypical “normal” person. Whilst I’m trying to be this “normal” person though, people don’t understand how much of a struggle that is. To try and do everything a “normal” person does when you feel the way I do is just horrible. Then, people think you’re better now and it’s gone! It never goes!!! I cannot stress that enough. I haven’t had a day where I feel “normal” for years, as long as I can remember. I don’t really know what my point is, I think I’m just ranting, but I don’t think you should ever think the stereotype of ANY illness is the actual way it happens. Keep an open mind and if there’s someone in your life who has depression, don’t think it’s going to be the same as my experience or anybody else’s, just listen to them, support them, let them know you are there and keep an eye on them. Depression is a killer and I hate that there are so many victims to it. Keep safe.