Failed in the Game of Life

The days fly by and I feel like I’m never getting anywhere. I feel like I’m wasting my life but every time I try to do something I fail and so I end up feeling dejected and fed up with the world. When I left school I worked in a garage. I often think if I’d have stayed there and become a proper mechanic my whole life would have been different but I left, I gave up, like I give up at everything I do. I just can’t seem to stop doing it and so I’m getting nowhere in life. 

I personally think this is my main problem. I left school overly ambitious and thought I was going to take over the world. Now, I’m 30 and I’ve done nothing with my life. My twenties have been lost to depression, suicidal tendencies and crazy anxiety. I can’t even get served in a shop without being nervous, it’s pathetic. I hate myself.

Not only all that but if you asked me now “what do you want to do with your life?” I wouldn’t know what to say. I don’t know. I think I’ve just give up deep down and can’t be arsed with it all anymore. I’m stuck in a rut and when I get a direction to go in I ultimately give up or get bored and quit. My life is just one big failure.

I struggle with feelings like this all the time though and so I suppose I’ll plough on through and try my best to carry on. Eventually something has to go right.

2 thoughts on “Failed in the Game of Life”

  1. Michael, keep fighting the best that you can. I understand where you are coming from though. It can feel as if the whole world is against you. Just keep trying as best you can to move forward each day. Find something positive that you can do – even just writing in your blog can help. Don’t give up.

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